5 Reasons Why You Should Get Professional Brand Photos

If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “Why do I need to hire someone to take brand photos for me when I have an iPhone and could take my own?” or have found yourself scrolling through a batch of photos you had taken 5 years ago when you first opened your business, trying to find something fresh to post on social media, this blog post is for you. We are going to talk about 5 reasons why you should have professional brand imagery for your brand, and have them updated often. When you are through with reading it, I am sure you will have a better understanding of why brand photography is important for your business.

  1. You should have professional brand photos to set the VIBE of your brand.

    When was the last time you made a purchase purely based on facts? No like, really? Experts say that we ALWAYS make purchasing decisions based on our EMOTIONS. (If you don’t believe me look up Gerald Zaltman’s book, “How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market.”) So how do you reach your customer’s sub-conscience to affect their purchasing decision? One way to do this is through powerful imagery that sets the tone for your brand and evokes emotion from your audience.

  2. You should have professional brand photos because they will position you as an EXPERT.

    Here’s an example. There was a little family-owned ice cream shop opening a few years ago and they hired me months before they opened their scoop shop to start taking photos of their product. They were approached multiple times within those first few months by people who thought they had been open for years and had multiple locations based on their brand images and how professional their company looked on the outside. The moral of the story? You could have no idea what you are doing, but if you have professional images it will look like you’re the expert (thus driving sales).

3. You should have professional brand photos so that people TRUST you.

If you’ve been an entrepreneur for a while, you’ve probably heard of the “know, like, trust factor.” It’s basically this idea that people have to get to know you, like you, and trust you before they will buy from you. Showing your face, of course, is a great way to let your audience start to know, like, and trust you.

4. You should have professional brand photos so that you STAND OUT.

These days it seems like everyone is starting a business. Having professional imagery will give your brand a cohesive and consistent look to help you stand out from the masses. It will increase brand recognition, thereby increasing sales.

5. You should have professional brand photos taken regularly to keep your website and social media platforms UP TO DATE.

If you are using the same photos you were using from the beginning, chances are they’re getting a bit stale. Even if they are just last season’s photos, you’re probably wearing an outfit that was for a different time of year and it may be time for an update. Having photos done regularly will keep each platform looking fresh and will grab your audience’s attention again.

Effie Gurmeza

Commercial Product Photographer // Tacoma, WA


Brand Photography: Tacoma Fiber Arts


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