Brand Photography for Tacoma Coffee Shop Launch

This is my friend, Tina. A year ago she was tirelessly working to get her dream off the ground.

What was the dream? To open a coffee shop, but not just any coffee shop. Her dream was to build a place where people could come and connect with each other and find community.

In a recent interview with King 5 News, Tina said, “I named it Common Ground because I believe that we all have common ground in our being human and even more so in our desire to be seen, known, and loved.”

Spoiler alert: it worked. Common Ground is now a thriving hub of coffee and community!

Let’s back up a minute though. I got to help Tina out last year with these pre-launch images before her shop opened. This was still the dream phase. The almost here phase. The “is this really happening?” phase.

We shot these images in my brand-new backyard photo studio here in Tacoma. The goal was to provide her with some content she could use in her building phase of the coffee shop. She didn’t have the shop finished yet or really anything set in stone so these were kind of like personal stock images for her to talk about opening and prime her audience for her hard launch and grand opening of the actual coffee shop.

Tina’s personality is super fun and outgoing and so I leaned into that with some of the shots (like this first one to the left) as well as just focusing on some beautiful lifestyle coffee shots that she could use in her pre-launch marketing (keep scrolling).

We were also able to feature some of the coffee beans from the company she had already contracted with to supply her shop with: Indaba Coffee Roasters. I love Indaba’s beautiful branding and so it was a treat to include their brand in Tina’s photoshoot.

It has been an absolute joy to watch Tina’s dream become a reality over the last year. Now it’s hard to find a seat when I walk into Common Ground on a weekday morning because it has become such a lively small business. This makes me smile because I know Tina is making the impact that she dreamed of.


Are you launching a new brand or product soon? Don’t wait to start marketing your business with amazing brand imagery!

According to Stanford University, it takes just 50 milliseconds for someone to form an opinion of your brand based on visuals alone. Ensure you make the right impression in those 50 milliseconds with high-quality, professional, personalized brand imagery!

Effie Gurmeza

Commercial Product Photographer // Tacoma, WA

Product Photography for Global Wellness Brand, Organic India