Tips for Working Moms

I just had a brainstorming session while tidying up the living room after our morning play session. After putting away the last toy I rushed to grab my pencil and favorite notebook to write everything down before I forgot it.

The kids are down for their afternoon rest time now and it’s time for dedicated work time without interruption.

My brainstorming session was all about what tips I could share with you about being a working mom. So here goes…

  1. A tidy home makes a tidy mind. 

    I always take the time to clean up after the kids before I sit down for this dedicated afternoon work session. It helps clear my head and I truly believe that we think better when our space is neat and calming.

  2. Grocery pick-up is your new best friend.

    And thanks to the global pandemic we’re in it’s currently free of service charges! Seriously, this saves so much time!

  3. Get up before the kids.

    Some stages of their lives this is easier than others, but if at all possible get up an hour before your kids. It’s a game-changer for hectic mornings and keeping your head on straight.

  4. Room time is my secret weapon.

    That’s right, I didn’t say TV. We find that TV is overstimulating for the kids and leads to bigger problems later so instead we do regular room time for the kids. You could also call this independent playtime. Basically I have set a rhythm for them to play in their room while I get a little work done downstairs. This works best for us early in the morning when they are happiest and not bored with their toys yet for that day. No, it’s not neglectful, it’s actually teaching them an important skill of being independent!

  5. Let go of the guilt.

    This is the HARDEST. As mom’s I think we always feel this pressure to create the perfect childhood for our kids, while also doing it ALL. Nope. Not going to happen. You and I, we’re not unicorns and so why are we holding ourselves to this extremely unrealistic standard? I’m working on letting go of the guilt for saying no to playdates and extra commitments, for being distracted from my kid’s constant demands by my inbox, for being away from them for a few hours each week.

I hope these tips are helpful if you’re working from home with your kids in tow. I’m always looking to learn better habits for this too. What’s your biggest tip? Leave it in the comments!

Effie Gurmeza

Commercial Product Photographer // Tacoma, WA

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