How to Plan the Perfect Shot List for Your Website Imagery

One of the primary ways my clients use their brand imagery is on their websites! In fact, I love to work on website projects alongside web designers and small business owners to help create the perfect landing pages. Your website is the virtual front door to your business and it is so important to set the vibe for your brand in this space! I love helping to create the space that you envision.

Here are 8 steps to think through as you are planning your website imagery:

  1. Start with the big picture. Where do you hope this website gets you? Where do you see your brand in 1, 2, 3 years?

  2. You will most likely need a “hero” image for your homepage. This is arguably the most important image on your whole site so think through this in detail! What vibe do you want your website to convey? What’s the big idea/main thing your selling (think past the physical product and into the feeling)? What type of real estate will this image take up on your page? Is it a full-page image, a banner, or a vertical?

  3. Will any of your other pages need banner images?

  4. What services or products do you offer? You’ll probably want to showcase imagery for each of these services and products on your website.

  5. Don’t forget a headshot or two for your about me page! I like to include one more traditional shot looking at the camera and a few behind-the-scenes type shots here.

  6. Every website also has a contact or inquiry page. What type of photo do you envision for this page?

  7. Do you have any upcoming blogs that you need visual content for?

  8. Are there any specific image orientations that your wireframes already have in place that you need to make sure you get the perfect image for? If you already have wireframes these are a super helpful tool to pass along to your brand photographer!

Effie Gurmeza

Commercial Product Photographer // Tacoma, WA

Featured on Creatively Squared


Brand Photography for Samsonite Bags