Why Finding Your Niche Really Works for Small Businesses

One of the best things I ever did for my business was to niche into a specific type of photography. Before I only worked with brands, I did all types of photography from family photos to weddings and everything in between. When I decided to pivot my business to only working with brands it was a scary move. I wondered if there would be enough business for me. I didn’t like saying no to paying jobs that didn’t fit. But what happened was I grew my business. And more than that, it simplified my business in so many ways! I started to know exactly how to market myself, I was able to streamline how I worked, and I started to get a lot better at this one type of photography. I’m going to dive a little deeper into each of those things and what it can mean for your business below.

  1. When you niche your business you know exactly who you are talking to.

    Before I had way too wide of an audience. I was talking to moms, brides, business owners, and anyone else who would listen. But when I honed in on brands there was no more guessing who I should be talking to. My target audience became more defined in my head and I knew who my ideal customer was. All of this made it so much easier for me to craft marketing copy for my brand! Social media, email, and web marketing all started working better for me and became easier to create too.

  2. When you niche your business you streamline your systems.

    If you have a wide variety of clients that you work with or customers that you sell to, you have to have a lot of different ways that you go about working with them. Things start to fall through the cracks when you get busy because there isn’t a one system or workflow fits all when you have a broad scope of work. However, when you only work with one type of client on one or a few different types of projects, you can streamline those systems and set up effective workflows so that your client experience stays consistent and nothing falls through the cracks. It also saves you time on switching gears in your brain. This is what I call working smarter, not harder, my friends!

  3. When you niche your business you become seriously good at what you do.

    Or at least you start to master your craft and over time you become the expert in that field. This is because all of your energy and focus is on doing that one thing really well! And it ends up benefiting both you and your clients.

Content Creation

Finding my niche within the greater photography world was one of the best things I’ve ever done for my business and for my clients. And I truly believe it can be the same for your small business too! Looking back on it, I am glad I did the scary thing and started saying no to anyone who wasn’t within my niche because it’s enabled me to grow a business I’m proud of as I’ve honed my skills and become better at serving my clients along the way.

Effie Gurmeza

Brand Photographer // Tacoma, WA


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